Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Systems

Human Resources

Career Opportunities

Our primary goal is to ensure sustainability of human resources structure that enables ATLANTİK GRUP to achive its objectives and fulfill its commitments. The main prencibles that we take into consideretion as we attempt to ensure the mentioned sustainability are as follows;

The Princible of Justice: To act fair in all precesses that concern our emplooyes, beginning from recruitment process.

To Princible of Respections Employees: To develop systems that will increase work efficiency of emplooyes and that encourge success and creativity. To ensure work  environments and working conditions that increase cooprate reliability and employee satisfaction.

The Principle of Respecting Laws: To take legal provisions in considiration in estabilshment and implementation of bussiness principles of ATLANTİK GRUP.

The Principle of Encouraging Implovement: To develop systems for personal and  professional improvement of employees with the awareness that success of ATLANTİK GRUP can be measured by the succes of its employees.